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Ferrules & Ferrule Processing

We offer a range of automatic / semi-automatic ferrule processing machinery to suit all requirements. Please contact us for any enquiries and we will be happy to help and discuss your future projects

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Ferrule processing is a staple in the wire and manufacturing industry. Quick application of high volumes with automated machines gives consistency as well as saving time and cost.

From everything to power delivery to control cabinets, ferrules are widely used for convinience. Allowing quick automatic processing and application of insulated or uninsulated ferrules to wires, saves time and money.

We offer solutions for a wide range or wire sizes and bowl fed or reel fed machines depending on the customers requirement.

Please contact us and we will be happy to assist in your enquiry.

Please enquire on or call +44 (0)1837 861291 for information on our range or to discuss a project.

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